Saturday, March 5, 2011

Side Effects For Today..

"COMMON" Side Effects:
Nervousness or restlessness- CHECK! (both i think)
Loss of appetite- CHECK!
Trouble Sleeping- CHECK!
Irritability- No, too insane for that today..
Dry mouth- Kinda?
Upper stomach pain- Umm.. No. No pain.
Diarrhea- NO.
Dizziness- Maybe?
Headache- Rarely.
Vomiting- NO.
Increased sweating- i'm just gonna blame this on broken ac..
Weight loss-..........?

"SEVERE" Side Effects:
Severe allergic reactions- NO.
Severe stomach pain- Umm.. No.
Unusual weakness or tiredness- Um.. No?
Fainting- (haha this one made me laugh!) Nope.
Blurred vision or other vision changes- Such as double (or triple or quadruple) vision?! YES! CHECK!
Fast or irregular heartbeat- Um.. i don't think so? lemme check.. ok, i was gonna say no, but, omygosh, i swear it seems all fast & irregular now! AGH!
Chest pain- Uh.. No. No pain.
Seizures- NO.
Hallucinations- No.
Confusion- YES! Yesyesyes! i think? lol CHECK!
Shortness of breath- Hyperventilating? CHECK!
Severe dizziness or vomiting- No.
New or worsening mental or mood changes- Maayybe..... Umm.. No Comment.
Severe or persistent headache- No.
Severe or persistent irritability, nervousness, or restlessness- How is the difference between "normal" and "severe" determined?! I guess I'll just say.. OCCASIONALLY.
Uncontrolled speech or muscle movements- Uh no.
Tremor- (haha i had to look this up cuz i was thinkin "what, like a seizure? i already answered that!") uhh.. before today i would have to say no.. but.. MAYBE? Eh, no.
Severe weight loss- Severe weight loss? interesting.. i'm gonna go with NO.

(yeah, i know what you're thinking now, Paint Chip Hoarder.. 'WHAT ABOUT PSYCHOTIC DRUG REACTIONS?!!?!' ........ Gr.. that's all i have to say to that. just grr.)
..... Hmm.. ..... "Seek medical attention right away" it says above the "SEVERE" side effects..... L O L
Let's see.. To contact my doctor, or not to contact my doctor? .....
What a stupid question.
Am I gonna?