Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Gifts Given To Me By Friends Before 7:00 AM

sooo, it was exactly 3 weeks ago today.. yeah, that's right. 3 weeks.. i was randomly given some of the oddest things by 3 different people. early one friday morning. not even my birthday. i thought it was so strange because people kept giving me junk. and i know they didn't plan it.. like, "hey, i thought of something we can do for entertainment tomorrow! let's all give Clueless Llama our garbage in the morning! and see what kind of reaction we can get!" no, they don't even really know eachother.. anyway, i took some pictures of my treasures the other day so you can see them. here they are in the order i got them:

ok. soo my first gift that day was this lovely "can opener" tab, given to me by Mezzo, who sits next to me on my left in class in the morning. he can be so hilariously random sometimes. so after finishing whatever it was he was drinking that morning, saying nothing, he yanked this no longer important, soon to be detached can-opening tool right off it's can and set it in front of me. not a word. he simply handed over to me his junk that would have been thrown away otherwise.. annnd i still have it........


the next piece of junk i received was this sad little raisin.. IT WAS A GRAPE WHEN I GOT IT! I SWEAR! IT WAS A GRAPE!! the pathetic little thing shriveled up and dried out on me! it shrunk into a raisin! i'm sorry! i would have posted it as a grape on here, but i kept forgetting to take a picture of it! i barely took these just a couple days ago! soooo yeah, the grape is now a raisin.. but it was already half dead the day it was given to me.. anyway, my very good friend, Paint Chip Hoarder, who sits on my right very early in the morning but is on my left pretty much any other time i'm around her, had discovered it in her purse that i like to poke the day before. she must have forgotten about it, rediscovered it that morning, and decided to let me have it as sneakily as possible. so she waited for the opportune moment when i was leaning away from her, working on something with Mezzo. and THAT is when Paint Chip Hoarder plopped that squashy little deflated-looking fruit on the table. right in front of me. so i didn't seee it until Mezzo and i were finished with what we were doing. i had to laugh when i saw it though because i was there the previous day when she found it. but then i think i thanked her for it. i thanked everyone for their unwanted rubbish that morning.

my last received treasure is this harry potter bookmark that Sneeze Amplifier let me have. on the way to the school, i showed him the stuff Mezzo and Paint Chip Hoarder gave me. and he said he had a bunch of really random junk with him too. he then proceeded to show it all to me. his miscellaneous stuff included, a tinkerbell pencil, a diego band-aid, and the little harry potter bookermarker that is now living in my bedroom under my puzzle globe. i was lookin at it and playin with it because it's one of those thingamajigs where the picture on it changes depending on the angle you hold it at. but it's a reeaally good one! it doesn't show both pictures at the same time like most others do! i was very impressed with it. so Sneeze Amplifier told me i could just keep it and add it to my random junk collected that day. yay!
sooooo anyway, yeah, that's all my random items from that morning.........

annnd that's all....

soooo i'm done now.....

post over.....

seriously, why are you still reading this???