Monday, November 24, 2008


WAAHOOOO!! this is my little thanksgiving pumpkin dude. isn't he awesome?!!? those are the same eyes i put on BIG EYE OINK BOB. ( big eye oink bob is not a separate BOB from normal oink bob) pumpkin dude want's me to tell you "happee fanksgiving" and he loves all you guys. and he wants you to know that that leaf is tickling him and he wants it blown off. (he's inside where there's no wind) aannnd he wants to know if any of you guys like fruitcake. he says he would love fruitcake (or any other food) but he has no mouth. just eyes. jibe ho says he should be a BOB. what do you think??


Whambat said...

Definitely a BOB! pumpkin bob perhaps?

*Crusan said...

you could call him pumBOB or BOB -KIN It needs the BOB part - I enjoy that the eyes are shared between bobs

DCY said...

No one likes fruitcake.