Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Frisbees & Stick Figures

So Hugawerewolf and I decided a little less than a year ago that we thought starting a "Blue Frisbee Club" sounded like fun. (I'm not going to bother to go into the whole story of how that got started) So we have a Blue Frisbee Club now. So far, the list of members consists of.. Just the 2 of us.. And.. Well.. I guess I'm sorta the president of our sad little club.. But um.. There is a slight issue with that..
I have no blue frisbee. Isn't that sad?!??!? I know what you're thinking, "What? A Blue Frisbee Club without a blue frisbee? How pathetic!" I KNOW!! It's SO pathetic!! I have what I thought was a blue frisbee, but Jibe Ho so rudely decided to point out to me that my "blue frisbee" seemed kind of flat and looked like a lid to something. So I looked at it a little more closely and realized it TOTALLY looked like a lid to something!! (but a very frisbee-ish lid, in my defence!) Man, did I feel stupid!! I think it might be the lid to that big, plastic barrel of cheese balls we got back in December!! No, that cheese ball barrel had a small-ish hole, it's too big for that.. Anyway, I'm pretty sure I have a few frisbees, but I don't think any of them are blue. Wait, I take that back. I think I do have a blue frisbee. But it's a STUPID one! When my brother was a little cub scout, his little cub scout troop went to the library. And he got a blue frisbee from the library. And as we all know, if a library (or any other place like that) is giving free toys away to little kids they are going to be total JUNK toys. The frisbee my brother got isn't a TOTAL junk frisbee. But, of course it's not a way nice frisbee either. I'm just glad it isn't a mini-frisbee. Now let me tell you why it's stupid.. Things from libraries have stuff about reading on them. Always. If you get a bookmark or something from a library it will probably have a picture of some cartoon character on it. And it will be saying something like "READING IS COOL!!" Well, our blue frisbee has on it a picture of one of those fat stick figures that are on the signs on public restroom doors. Do you know what stick figures I'm talking about?? They're the ones that are always slipping and falling on floors that have just been mopped, and cracking their stupid little skulls on the bottoms of pools because they were foolish enough to dive into the shallow end..? Yeah, those stick figures.. Anyway, he's not doing anything dumb like tripping over something or getting electrocuted. Instead, he's reading a book. I didn't know they could read! And why isn't he being wreckless like all of his dumb cousins? Can they be smart????????? ......
Oh, well. That doesn't really matter. Back to the point. Someone decided they didn't really like him there and thought, since he was white, they could color over him with a blue sharpie. Genius. Well, to make a long story a little less long, the blue sharpie was not dark enough of a blue and he is now either half blue or all blue. (I can't remember..?) But either way, he is still there reading his boring little book with no title.
I guess none of that is really important at all though because I'm not sure if we still have that frisbee or if it got thrown away. I don't really care though. Because if I can't find a blue frisbee anywhere, I can just use a different one and duct tape it in blue!!